Unit pricing
Unit pricing
When you put money in an investment option, you 'buy' units in that option. When you take money out of an investment option, you 'sell' units you had in that option. We use the 'sell' price of the options you're invested in to value your account balance each day.
When deciding on an investment option, the option's performance over the long term gives you a more accurate insight into super returns.
- Super
- TTR Pension
- Pension
Option | Buy | Mid | Sell | FYTD return | Historical Pricing |
Balanced | 2.7425 | 2.7412 | 2.7398 | 1.65% | Download |
Growth | 3.0920 | 3.0902 | 3.0883 | 1.63% | Download |
Alternative Growth | 2.6813 | 2.6791 | 2.6770 | 1.35% | Download |
Sustainable Balanced | 2.7198 | 2.7185 | 2.7171 | 2.04% | Download |
Conservative Balanced | 2.1695 | 2.1686 | 2.1678 | 1.80% | Download |
Capital Stable | 1.9004 | 1.8998 | 1.8992 | 1.74% | Download |
Overseas Shares | 4.0816 | 4.0788 | 4.0759 | 1.05% | Download |
Australian Shares | 3.2264 | 3.2245 | 3.2226 | 3.79% | Download |
Direct Property | 2.3011 | 2.2908 | 2.2805 | -0.94% | Download |
Fixed Interest | 1.4215 | 1.4215 | 1.4215 | 3.00% | Download |
Cash | 1.3061 | 1.3061 | 1.3061 | 0.86% | Download |
Capital Guaranteed | 1.2329 | 1.2329 | 1.2329 | 0.59% | Download |
The table above shows a ‘mid’ price, a ‘buy’ price and a ‘sell’ price for each option, which are calculated using the following formulas:
Mid price = net market value of an investment option* / total number of units in that option.
Buy price = mid price plus the estimated transaction costs incurred when buying the underlying assets of the investment option.**
This is the price at which you will be allocated units each time we process money going into your account (e.g. contributions).
Sell price = mid price minus the estimated transaction costs incurred when selling the underlying assets of the investment option**
This is the price at which your units will be redeemed each time we process money going out of your account (e.g. withdrawals).
*Net of applicable fees, indirect costs and investment taxes.
**The estimated transaction costs incurred when buying or selling the underlying assets of an investment option are detailed in the ‘buy–sell spread’ tables on our Fees & costs page.
New unit prices for each investment option are calculated each business day (Monday to Friday excluding public holidays) and are published on our website within two business days.
We reserve the right to calculate or publish unit prices less frequently or to temporarily suspend unit prices at any time if there is extreme market volatility if circumstances outside of our control occur and we can’t calculate a unit price. If we do need to suspend a unit price for any or all of our options, we may stop processing transactions until a unit price is available. If we do need to suspend unit prices, we may let you know via the website.
The Financial Year to Date (FYTD) returns shown above may differ from your actual returns. To obtain your current account balance, you can log in to your account via MemberOnline and view a benefit quote. Net returns will appear in your annual statement.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.