

As you’d expect, we take managing your super very seriously.

We’ve established rigorous standards, policies and procedures to make sure everything is managed openly, honestly and according to the law.

CareSuper governance
Board skills and performance
Board skills

The table below shows the various areas of expertise and skill level of the CareSuper Board as at 31 October 2023. The numbers in each column show how many directors have a ‘Developing’, ‘Developed’, ‘Strong’ or ‘Very strong’ level of skill in this particular area.

 Skill level
 DevelopingDevelopedStrongVery Strong
Superannuation Regulation--64
Risk & Compliance--64
Financial Management-163
Administration & Outsourcing--55
Understanding our Members--55
Governance & Trusteeship--28
Strategic Planning--37
Culture & Ethics--37
Chair/Deputy Chair skills1-54

Board performance

Our board’s performance is reviewed annually, covering:

  • The board as a whole
  • Board-established committees
  • Individual directors, including the chair
  • Governance processes.

An external review of the board’s performance is held every second year. This ensures individual directors and the board continually find ways to operate more effectively and strategically in the best interests of members. The results of the performance review are discussed by the governance and remuneration committee and the board.

Annual Board Review was completed for the financial year ending 30 June 2023 by an external provider. The evaluations included a board and senior executive survey that rated the performance of the collective board. Directors are required to complete at least 30 hours of training each year. This requirement will be met for the year ended 31 December 2023.

Board and committee attendance
Board attendance history

See the attendance at board meetings by directors over the past eight years.


Current directors
Katherine Sampson7 of 811 of 129 of 1111 of 119 of 98 of 88 of 88 of 8
Jeremy Johnson8 of 811 of 1211 of 1111 of 119 of 97 of 83 of 4-
Linda Scott8 of 812 of 1211 of 1111 of 119 of 95 of 5--
Robert Potter7 of 89 of 1211 of 1111 of 119 of 93 of 3--
Anthony Cavanagh8 of 812 of 1211 of 1111 of 115 of 5---
Merran Kelsall8 of 811 of 1210 of 1111 of 112 of 3---
Vanessa Seagrove8 of 812 of 1210 of 113 of 3----
Rebecca Girard7 of 812 of 123 of 3-----
Michael Drew8 of 86 of 6------
Nola Watson*4 of 4-------

Incoming directors:
*Nola Watson - Director appointed 1 January 2024

Previous directors
Sascha Peldova-McClelland---8 of 89 of 96 of 7--
Julie Bignell---4 of 47 of 88 of 88 of 8
Claire Keating----4 of 48 of 88 of 84 of 4
Catherine (Cate) Wood-----4 of 48 of 88 of 8
Gabriel Szondy-----2 of 48 of 88 of 8
Andrea Waters-----4 of 48 of 88 of 8
Chris Christodoulou-----3 of 37 of 88 of 8
Mark Sibree-------8 of 8
Greg McLean-------7 of 8
Graeme (Sandy) Grant-------6 of 6
David Michaelis-------4 of 4
Keith Harvey--7 of 711 of 119 of 98 of 88 of 88 of 8
Michelle Gardiner-6 of 611 of 1111 of 119 of 98 of 88 of 88 of 8
Terence (Terry) Wetherall**4 of 412 of 1211 of 1111 of 119 of 98 of 87 of 8-

Outgoing director:
**Terence (Terry) Wetherall - Director resigned 31 December 2023


Committee meeting attendance – Governance and Remuneration Committee

See the attendance at the Governance and Remuneration Committee meetings by the relevant directors over the last five financial years. This committee is responsible for board renewal.

Julie Bignell (to 31/12/2019)----3 of 4
Terence (Terry) Wetherall1--4 of 65 of 57 of 7
Katherine Sampson5 of 54 of 45 of 64 of 57 of 7
Linda Scott5 of 54 of 46 of 65 of 57 of 7
Keith Harvey (to 31/1/22 )--3 of 31 of 5-
Sascha Peldova-McClelland (22/04/21)---4 of 54 of 4
Jeremy Johnson (Chair)5 of 54 of 46 of 6--
Rebecca Girard5 of 54 of 43 of 6--

1 Director resigned from Committee 31 March 2022

How we remunerate directors

The board brings to the table specialist skills and experience to ensure the Fund is professionally governed. Director remuneration is set using a total annual fee approach for both board and committee work. The fees for the chairs of the Fund and each committee reflect the additional time and commitment necessary to carry out their duties. Committee members also receive an annual fee, which is commensurate with the number of meetings normally scheduled for each committee. Some directors are on more than one committee.

The target level of income for directors and chairs is guided by the median remuneration paid for these roles in ‘profit to members’ funds of a similar size, taking into account funds under management, membership and contribution levels.


2023/24 directors' fee 
Chair annual fee$146,411
Deputy Chair annual fee$109,808
Director annual fee$73,205
Additional fee – Chair, Compliance, Audit and Risk Management Committee$25,622
Additional fee – Chair, Investment Committee$29,281
Additional fee – Chair, Member and Employer Services Committee$21,961
Additional fee – Compliance, Audit and Risk Management Committee$6,405
Additional fee – Investment Committee$7,320
Additional fee – Member and Employer Services Committee$5,490
Additional fee – Governance and Remuneration Committee$5,490
Additional fee – Benefit Payments Committee (per meeting)$543
Additional fee - Strategic Growth Committee (per meeting)$543


Remuneration for the last two financial years is available below.

Board remuneration


How we remunerate staff

The objectives of the Fund’s remuneration policy are to ensure that:

  • CareSuper provides a fair, equitable and competitive remuneration framework that recognises and rewards individual and collective contribution 
  • CareSuper attracts and retains suitably qualified and experienced people and rewards them appropriately
  • CareSuper’s remuneration reflects the market in which the Fund competes for the capabilities required to achieve its business priorities and is consistent with its values and all profit-to-members ethos.

Staff are remunerated by way of a fixed salary package. The fund pays short term incentives to specific roles in the Investments function to support a culture of high performance, accountability and improve financial outcomes for members. Annually, the CEO sources relevant market data from surveys to benchmark the salaries of each position within the Trustee Office. The annual salaries budget and total increases are approved by the Governance and Remuneration Committee.


How we remunerate executives

Remuneration details of CareSuper’s executive staff are available below.

Executive remuneration

Gender diversity

We believe that having a broad range of views and experiences represented at Board and staff level is essential for quality decision-making and we consciously seek diversity across gender, age, experience, skills and professional backgrounds. We have also been assessed as fully compliant with the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Act).

Executive team437
Middle managers 9716
Other staff5175126

Data as of 31 July 2022 and does not include fixed term staff.

Policy documents

CareSuper’s policies and procedures govern how the Fund operates.

CareSuper Code of Conduct

At CareSuper, we’re committed to delivering a certain standard of practice as set out in our Code of Conduct. Our code is a statement of our shared values and commitment. It provides a framework that sets the expectations of how we conduct ourselves and our business in relation to the following:

  • Professional conduct
  • Use of information systems
  • Use of media (including social media)
  • Honesty, integrity and fairness
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Legal and regulatory obligations
  • Confidentiality, access and disclosure
  • Consequences of breaching the Code of Conduct.

Our code applies to all those who work for, act on behalf of or represent CareSuper, including board members, employees and contractors. Code implementation is the responsibility of everyone involved and is intended to raise standards and complement legislative requirements.

Trust Deed (Consolidation)


Proxy voting and voting behaviour

Board Charter

Conflicts Management Policy

Responsible Investing Policy

Board Appointment, Renewal and Removal Policy

Register of Relevant Duties and Interests

CareSuper Proxy Voting Policy

Privacy Policy and Privacy Collection Statement

Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Policy

Complaints Policy

Vulnerable Customers Policy

Committee charters

Compliance, Audit and Risk Management Committee

Governance and Remuneration Committee

Investment Committee

Member and Employer Services Committee


CareSuper’s insurance strategy


CareSuper's Retirement Income Strategy

Portfolio holdings

View and download CareSuper's full portfolio holdings

Our investment options are made up of a range of asset classes. Each asset class includes a number of individual investments, often called 'holdings'. You can find our top investment holdings across the various asset classes on our major holdings page. We've also shown the available investments of the Direct Investment option here.

For a more detailed view of all the holdings in each of our investment options, for both super and pension, see below. We've also included a list of all the holdings in our Direct Investment option.

We'll update this page with our total investment option holdings half yearly - as at 30 June and 31 December each year.

The way we've classified our investments in the files below may differ to the way we usually classify our investments in other publications and elsewhere on our website. We've done this to comply with the Portfolio Holdings Disclosure legislative requirements.


CareSuper's portfolio holdings - PDF files

Super & Pension

BalancedSuper (MySuper)Pension
Alternative GrowthSuperPension
Sustainable BalancedSuperPension
Conservative BalancedSuperPension
Capital StableSuperPension
Capital GuaranteedSuperPension
Overseas SharesSuperPension
Australian SharesSuperPension
Direct PropertySuperPension
Fixed InterestSuperPension

Direct Investment option

Direct Investment optionPDF

CareSuper's portfolio holdings - CSV files

Our holdings across each investment option.

Full holdings (all investment options, super and pension. This is a large file showing raw data, which you can download, view and edit).

Full holdingsCSV

Direct Investment option (shows the total value of all assets held by members in the Direct Investment option)

Direct Investment optionCSV
Significant event notices (SENs)

If we change anything that might affect your super account, you can be sure we’ll let you know. Typically, this will be 30 days before we make a change to fees or costs and no later than three months after the event for other changes.

Here’s a summary of our SENs.

Outsourced providers

It’s important to have a range of different perspectives on investing. That’s why we work with leading independent experts to help manage your super.

CareSuper’s current outsourced providers are:
Administration*Mercer Outsourcing (Australia) Pty Ltd
(ABN 83 068 908 912)
Asset consultantJANA Investment Advisers Pty Ltd
(ABN 97 006 717 568)
Auditor – externalPricewaterhouseCoopers
(ABN 52 780 433 757)
Auditor – internal*KPMG
(ABN 51 194 660 183)
Credit control servicesIndustry Funds Credit Control
(a division of Industry Fund Services Limited,
ABN 54 007 016 195)
CustodiansJPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Sydney Branch*
(ABN 43 074 112 011)
Citigroup Pty Limited
(ABN 88 004 325 080)
Certane CT Pty Limited
(ABN 12 106 424 088)
InsurerMetLife Insurance Limited
(ABN 75 004 274 882)
Insurance adviserIFS Insurance Solutions Pty Ltd
(ABN 16 070 588 108)
Investment managersView the list of CareSuper’s material investment managers
Legal advisersGreenfields Financial Services Lawyers (Melbourne)
(ABN 42 165 170 294)
Hall & Wilcox Lawyers
(ABN 58 041 376 985)
Holding Redlich
(ABN 15 364 527 724)
Tax adviserDeloitte Tax Services Pty Ltd
(ABN 41 092 223 240)

*Indicates a material outsourced provider 


Annual reports

Check out our Annual Report for the 2022/23 financial year.
Find our previous annual reports on the Tools & resources page under Forms & publications.

AIST Governance Code

We support the AIST Governance Code, which consists of 21 requirements to promote continuous improvement in governance practice and aims to protect and improve outcomes for members. Adherence to the Code requires annual reporting and compliance review. Here’s our compliance report lodged for the 2022 Financial Year.

Carbon neutral reporting

We support the Australian Government’s Climate Active organisation and we’ve achieved carbon neutral accreditation for our operations. Becoming carbon neutral aligns with our Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Policy. Here’s our latest Public Disclosure Statement for the Climate Active Carbon Neutral Program.

Member outcomes assessment

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) requires that all super funds complete an annual member outcomes assessment to determine whether they’re promoting the financial interests of members. View our Member outcomes assessment for financial year ended 30 June 2023.

Modern Slavery Statement

Our Modern Slavery Statement explains how CareSuper assesses the risk of modern slavery and how we’re meeting the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.

Tax Transparency Report

The Voluntary Tax Transparency Code (the Code) is a set of principles and ‘minimum standards’ developed by the Board of Taxation and administered by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to guide the public disclosures of tax information. While the Code’s requirements are designed for large and medium companies, CareSuper supports the principles of the code and therefore are pleased to publish this report to provide our members and other interested parties with our:

  • approach to tax governance and tax risk management;
  • taxes paid; and
  • accounting to tax reconciliation

This is the third Tax Transparency Report (TTR) for CareSuper and we are proud to be a signatory to the Code, increasing the transparency of our superannuation fund for our members which covers the 2022/23 financial year.

To access previous Tax Transparency Reports, please see below. 
Tax Transparency Report FY 2021/22 
Tax Transparency Report FY 2020/21

Annual Member Meetings

Annual Member Meeting 2023

Check out the Minutes and Q&As.

View the AMM recording.

Annual Member Meeting 2022

Check out the Minutes and Q&As.

View the AMM recording.

Annual Member Meeting 2021

Check out the Minutes and Q&As.

View the highlights of our 2021 Annual Member Meeting.

Annual Member Meeting 2020

Check out the Minutes and Q&As.

View the highlights of our 2020 Annual Member Meeting.