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Discover how CareSuper stacks up

It’s important to find the right super fund to fit your lifestyle and future aspirations. 

Use this independent comparison tool to find out if CareSuper is the right super fund for you. It lets you compare CareSuper with other funds, exploring investment performance, fees, insurance cover, member servicing, administrative approach and governance structure.

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What does it mean to be an Industry SuperFund?

As an Industry SuperFund, CareSuper is run to benefit members and no one else.

We don’t have shareholders who expect an investment return, we keep fees and costs competitive to provide value (but not at the expense of your investment returns or the services you expect), and our financial planners are paid a salary and don’t receive commissions.  

Head to our Industry SuperFund page for more detail.

How has CareSuper performed?

You can track CareSuper’s investment performance on our investment performance page.^

This page provides you with the latest returns for each of our investment options across super, transition to retirement (TTR) and pension over various time periods. You can also select the option you’re invested in and compare how it has performed against its return objectives and the industry median.

^ Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and you should consider other factors before choosing a fund or changing your investments

How do I consolidate all my super to my CareSuper account?

You can quickly track down any other super you might have with other super funds and consolidate it to your CareSuper account. Go to Consolidate your super to get started.#

One account means one set of fees, less admin for you, and make it easier to keep track of all your super.

# Before combining your super into CareSuper you should consider whether this is right for you and check if you will be charged any fee. You should also check the impact on any insurance arrangements (such as loss of insurance) or other benefits.

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