Investment performance

Use our investment performance tool to track the latest returns for each of our investment options over various time periods. You can also compare how each of our options has performed against their return objectives and industry median.

Our unique active investment philosophy means your super’s in good hands. We Outperform and Outprotect – by simultaneously growing and protecting your super in market ups and downs.

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The returns shown in the investment performance tool below remain effective as at 30 June 2023 (this includes the PDF downloads). These figures will be updated, around 7 August 2024, to reflect returns to 30 June 2024 once the ‘return objective’ and ‘industry median’ data becomes available from ratings agency SuperRatings.

To see how each of our investment options have performed over a range of time frames as at 30 June 2024, scroll down to the ‘all options at a glance’ table on this page.



Balanced average returns

Year Balanced Return objective Industry median
1 9.05 9.03 9.05
5 6.17 6.43 5.88
7 7.5 6.02 6.93
10 8.04 5.67 7.32

Balanced estimated growth

Year Balanced Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1 1
2014 1.1284 1.0601 1.1266
2015 1.24981584 1.10791051 1.2347536
2016 1.30543264488 1.152559303553 1.26945017616
2017 1.458168264331 1.2099567568699 1.4031232797096
2018 1.6054432590284 1.2721485341731 1.5324912460989
2019 1.7158977552495 1.3305401518916 1.6386928894535
2020 1.7196727303111 1.3958696733495 1.62525560776
2021 2.0204434908425 1.4920450938433 1.9153637337452
2022 1.9865000401963 1.6309544920801 1.8494752213043
2023 2.1662782938341 1.7782296827149 2.0168527288324

Balanced 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 9.05% 9.05%
2022 -1.68% -3.44%
2021 17.49% 17.85%
2020 0.22% -0.82%
2019 6.88% 6.93%
2018 10.10% 9.22%
2017 11.70% 10.53%
2016 4.45% 2.81%
2015 10.76% 9.60%
2014 12.84% 12.66%
2013 16.15% 14.73%
2012 2.08% 0.45%
2011 10.20% 8.71%
2010 8.90% 9.79%
2009 -09.50% -12.69%
2008 -4.50% -6.39%
2007 15.65% 15.70%
2006 14.80% 14.49%
2005 14.30% 13.10%
2004 13.10% 13.22%

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.


Growth average returns

Year Growth Return objective Industry median
1 11.7 10.03 11.18
5 6.95 7.43 6.92
7 8.54 7.02 8.38
10 8.95 6.66 8.64

Growth estimated growth

Year Growth Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1 1
2014 1.153 1.0701 1.1401
2015 1.2888234 1.12906251 1.26220471
2016 1.32787474902 1.185854354253 1.28871100891
2017 1.5096608021608 1.2570056155082 1.4412943923649
2018 1.68372469265 1.3344371614235 1.5934950801987
2019 1.8037742632359 1.4090321987471 1.7115730656414
2020 1.796018033904 1.492306001693 1.6913765034668
2021 2.1789290787323 1.6101981758268 2.0670312248868
2022 2.1094212411208 1.77717572666 1.9814561321765
2023 2.3562235263319 1.955426452044 2.2029829277538

Growth 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 11.70% 11.18%
2022 -3.19% -4.14%
2021 21.32% 22.21%
2020 -0.43% -1.18%
2019 7.13% 7.41%
2018 11.53% 10.56%
2017 13.69% 11.84%
2016 3.03% 2.10%
2015 11.78% 10.71%
2014 15.30% 14.01%
2013 20.01% 17.11%
2012 -0.13% -0.95%
2011 10.10% 9.40%
2010 10.20% 10.12%
2009 -10.20% -15.71%
2008 -09.31% -8.80%
2007 16.25% 17.27%
2006 17.99% 16.88%
2005 15.02% 13.27%
2004 16.23% 14.42%

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Alternative Growth

Alternative Growth average returns

Year Alternative Growth Return objective Industry median
1 9.02 9.53 9.05
5 5.8 6.93 5.88
7 7.14 6.52 6.93
10 7.77 6.29 7.32

Alternative Growth estimated growth

Year Alternative Growth Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1 1
2014 1.1269 1.0701 1.1266
2015 1.23598392 1.12906251 1.2347536
2016 1.303592240424 1.182918791727 1.26945017616
2017 1.4540267849689 1.2478610333928 1.4031232797096
2018 1.5934679536474 1.3183651817795 1.5324912460989
2019 1.6962466366577 1.3854699695321 1.6386928894535
2020 1.6930237680481 1.4604238948838 1.62525560776
2021 1.9549345449651 1.5684952631052 1.9153637337452
2022 1.9379266144239 1.7228351969947 1.8494752213043
2023 2.1127275950449 1.8870213912683 2.0168527288324

Alternative Growth 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 9.02% 9.05%
2022 -0.87% -3.44%
2021 15.47% 17.85%
2020 -0.19% -0.82%
2019 6.45% 6.93%
2018 9.59% 9.22%
2017 11.54% 10.53%
2016 5.47% 2.81%
2015 9.68% 9.60%
2014 12.69% 12.66%
2013 16.93% 14.73%
2012 1.81% 0.45%
2011 10.90% 8.71%
2010 9.60% 9.79%
2009 -7.90% -12.69%
2008 -5.38% -6.39%
2007 14.04% 15.70%
2006 14.33% 14.49%
2005 n/a n/a
2004 n/a n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Sustainable Balanced

Sustainable Balanced average returns

Year Sustainable Balanced Return objective Industry median
1 9.18 9.03 9.29
5 7.15 6.43 6.27
7 7.66 6.02 7.03
10 7.99 5.66 7.34

Sustainable Balanced estimated growth

Year Sustainable Balanced Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1 1
2014 1.1229 1.0601 1.1194
2015 1.23283191 1.10791051 1.2235042
2016 1.286460098085 1.152559303553 1.22986642184
2017 1.4068727632658 1.2099567568699 1.3345280543386
2018 1.5268790099723 1.2721485341731 1.4499647310389
2019 1.6699475732067 1.3305401518916 1.5565371387702
2020 1.7041814984575 1.3958696733495 1.5622963261837
2021 1.9898023175989 1.4920450938433 1.838510316653
2022 1.9752767606805 1.6309544920801 1.7528357358969
2023 2.1566071673109 1.7782296827149 1.9156741757617

Sustainable Balanced 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 9.18% 9.29%
2022 -0.73% -4.66%
2021 16.76% 17.68%
2020 2.05% 0.37%
2019 9.37% 7.35%
2018 8.53% 8.65%
2017 9.36% 8.51%
2016 4.35% 0.52%
2015 9.79% 9.30%
2014 12.29% 11.94%
2013 16.07% 16.51%
2012 2.27% 0.21%
2011 9.10% 7.78%
2010 9.30% 8.60%
2009 -10.10% -10.66%
2008 -7.16% n/a
2007 12.62% n/a
2006 16.58% n/a
2005 11.86% n/a
2004 11.64% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Conservative Balanced

Conservative Balanced average returns

Year Conservative Balanced Return objective Industry median
1 7.77 8.03 6.93
5 4.31 5.73 4.61
7 5.36 5.38 5.58
10 5.85 5.06 6.04

Conservative Balanced estimated growth

Year Conservative Balanced Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1 1
2014 1.098 1.0552 1.0964
2015 1.1886948 1.09751352 1.17621792
2016 1.22530659984 1.136255747256 1.209387265344
2017 1.3335011726059 1.1871600047331 1.2964631484488
2018 1.4296466071508 1.2421255129522 1.386567337266
2019 1.5085630998655 1.292928446432 1.476832870922
2020 1.5108259445153 1.3499465909196 1.4775712873574
2021 1.68306010219 1.4360731834203 1.6638930266932
2022 1.6379540914513 1.5546928283708 1.6179695791565
2023 1.7652231243571 1.679534662489 1.730094870992

Conservative Balanced 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 7.77% 6.93%
2022 -2.68% -2.76%
2021 11.40% 12.61%
2020 0.15% 0.05%
2019 5.52% 6.51%
2018 7.21% 6.95%
2017 8.83% 7.20%
2016 3.08% 2.82%
2015 8.26% 7.28%
2014 9.80% 9.64%
2013 12.92% 11.26%
2012 4.05% 1.87%
2011 8.50% 7.70%
2010 9.30% 9.49%
2009 -4.30% -09.26%
2008 -3.04% -3.73%
2007 10.81% 11.55%
2006 11.25% 11.13%
2005 n/a n/a
2004 n/a n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Capital Stable

Capital Stable average returns

Year Capital Stable Return objective Industry median
1 5.51 7.53 4.63
5 3.34 5.23 3.14
7 4.17 4.88 3.79
10 4.74 4.56 4.51

Capital Stable estimated growth

Year Capital Stable Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1 1
2014 1.0802 1.0502 1.0734
2015 1.15224934 1.08706202 1.13415444
2016 1.193269416504 1.119999999206 1.172262029184
2017 1.2751276984762 1.1644639991745 1.2341574643249
2018 1.3481925155989 1.2124399159405 1.291545786416
2019 1.4150628643726 1.2559665089227 1.3597394039388
2020 1.4222796849809 1.3050747994216 1.3685777100644
2021 1.5391910750863 1.3816826901477 1.4727264738003
2022 1.5056367096494 1.4884867620961 1.4369392204869
2023 1.5885972923511 1.6005698152819 1.5034695063955

Capital Stable 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 5.51% 4.63%
2022 -2.18% -2.43%
2021 8.22% 7.61%
2020 0.51% 0.65%
2019 4.96% 5.28%
2018 5.73% 4.65%
2017 6.86% 5.28%
2016 3.56% 3.36%
2015 6.67% 5.66%
2014 8.02% 7.34%
2013 10.46% 8.29%
2012 5.16% 4.06%
2011 7.70% 6.70%
2010 9.10% 8.50%
2009 -2.20% -3.44%
2008 -0.70% -0.29%
2007 9.10% 8.61%
2006 9.01% 8.04%
2005 11.28% 9.03%
2004 8.48% 6.99%

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Overseas Shares

Overseas Shares average returns

Year Overseas Shares Return objective Industry median
1 17.79 0
5 7.95 0
7 9.99 0
10 10.7 0

Overseas Shares estimated growth

Year Overseas Shares Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.1826 1.0801
2015 1.42467822 1.15041451
2016 1.419121974942 1.213917390952
2017 1.6825110134912 1.2867524344091
2018 1.8850853395156 1.3660163843687
2019 2.0211885010286 1.4423767002549
2020 2.0925364551149 1.52762116324
2021 2.7092069484373 1.648303235136
2022 2.3459022966518 1.6647862674873
2023 2.7632383152262 1.6814341301622

Overseas Shares 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 17.79% n/a
2022 -13.41% n/a
2021 29.47% n/a
2020 3.53% n/a
2019 7.22% n/a
2018 12.04% n/a
2017 18.56% n/a
2016 -0.39% n/a
2015 20.47% n/a
2014 18.26% n/a
2013 30.73% n/a
2012 -2.29% n/a
2011 8.10% n/a
2010 9.50% n/a
2009 -8.80% n/a
2008 -16.33% n/a
2007 8.95% n/a
2006 18.52% n/a
2005 3.78% n/a
2004 16.64% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Australian Shares

Australian Shares average returns

Year Australian Shares Return objective Industry median
1 15 0
5 7.48 0
7 9.66 0
10 9.16 0

Australian Shares estimated growth

Year Australian Shares Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.1687 1.0801
2015 1.2575212 1.15041451
2016 1.25991049028 1.213917390952
2017 1.4453693144492 1.2867524344091
2018 1.675616646241 1.3660163843687
2019 1.80530937466 1.4423767002549
2020 1.6879642653071 1.52762116324
2021 2.1575559239156 1.648303235136
2022 2.0895929123122 1.6647862674873
2023 2.4030318491591 1.6814341301622

Australian Shares 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 15.00% n/a
2022 -3.15% n/a
2021 27.82% n/a
2020 -6.50% n/a
2019 7.74% n/a
2018 15.93% n/a
2017 14.72% n/a
2016 0.19% n/a
2015 7.60% n/a
2014 16.87% n/a
2013 20.78% n/a
2012 -4.67% n/a
2011 11.60% n/a
2010 11.70% n/a
2009 -14.20% n/a
2008 -13.96% n/a
2007 26.75% n/a
2006 22.29% n/a
2005 26.03% n/a
2004 21.40% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Direct Property

Direct Property average returns

Year Direct Property Return objective Industry median
1 -2.18 0
5 5.65 0
7 7.66 0
10 8.5 0

Direct Property estimated growth

Year Direct Property Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.086 1.0701
2015 1.1903646 1.12906251
2016 1.34904020118 1.180096135452
2017 1.5236060032127 1.2388649229975
2018 1.717713408022 1.3025425800396
2019 1.8614860202734 1.3623292844634
2020 1.892945134016 1.4292196523306
2021 2.0349160190673 1.5276928863761
2022 2.3116645976604 1.5429698152399
2023 2.2612703094314 1.5583995133923

Direct Property 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 -2.18% n/a
2022 13.60% n/a
2021 7.50% n/a
2020 1.69% n/a
2019 8.37% n/a
2018 12.74% n/a
2017 12.94% n/a
2016 13.33% n/a
2015 9.61% n/a
2014 8.60% n/a
2013 5.89% n/a
2012 7.36% n/a
2011 8.60% n/a
2010 4.30% n/a
2009 -11.80% n/a
2008 8.93% n/a
2007 12.56% n/a
2006 16.17% n/a
2005 11.07% n/a
2004 10.53% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Fixed Interest

Fixed Interest average returns

Year Fixed Interest Return objective Industry median
1 1.14 0
5 0.75 0
7 1.1 0
10 2.14 0

Fixed Interest estimated growth

Year Fixed Interest Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.0493 1.0502
2015 1.10040091 1.08706202
2016 1.144967146855 1.111738327854
2017 1.1652330653543 1.1388647430536
2018 1.1901690529529 1.1683613398987
2019 1.2559854015812 1.1927800919026
2020 1.2862546497593 1.2156814696671
2021 1.3010465782316 1.2624852062493
2022 1.2216827369594 1.2751100583118
2023 1.2356099201608 1.2878611588949

Fixed Interest 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 1.14% n/a
2022 -6.10% n/a
2021 1.15% n/a
2020 2.41% n/a
2019 5.53% n/a
2018 2.14% n/a
2017 1.77% n/a
2016 4.05% n/a
2015 4.87% n/a
2014 4.93% n/a
2013 6.04% n/a
2012 11.37% n/a
2011 7.00% n/a
2010 11.00% n/a
2009 4.40% n/a
2008 5.29% n/a
2007 3.15% n/a
2006 2.85% n/a
2005 9.27% n/a
2004 4.04% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.


Cash average returns

Year Cash Return objective Industry median
1 2.57 0
5 1.22 0
7 1.44 0
10 1.81 0

Cash estimated growth

Year Cash Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.0283 1.0302
2015 1.05688674 1.04575602
2016 1.082674776456 1.056422731404
2017 1.1051944118063 1.0768116901201
2018 1.126414144513 1.0992093732746
2019 1.1489424274032 1.1166868023097
2020 1.1619254768329 1.138127188914
2021 1.1637845575958 1.1819450856872
2022 1.1666940189898 1.1937645365441
2023 1.1966780552778 1.2057021819095

Cash 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 2.57% n/a
2022 0.25% n/a
2021 0.16% n/a
2020 1.13% n/a
2019 2.00% n/a
2018 1.92% n/a
2017 2.08% n/a
2016 2.44% n/a
2015 2.78% n/a
2014 2.83% n/a
2013 3.39% n/a
2012 4.20% n/a
2011 4.90% n/a
2010 4.00% n/a
2009 3.10% n/a
2008 4.37% n/a
2007 5.58% n/a
2006 4.97% n/a
2005 4.80% n/a
2004 4.46% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Capital Guaranteed

Capital Guaranteed average returns

Year Capital Guaranteed Return objective Industry median
1 1.71 2.48
5 1.19 1
7 1.32 1.16
10 1.61 1.46

Capital Guaranteed estimated growth

Year Capital Guaranteed Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.0167 1.0402
2015 1.04628597 1.06630902
2016 1.070036661519 1.085182689654
2017 1.0876922664341 1.1116611472816
2018 1.1055304196036 1.1404531709961
2019 1.1264249445341 1.16428864227
2020 1.1442224586577 1.1866429842016
2021 1.1490281929841 1.2323287390933
2022 1.1530497916595 1.2335610678324
2023 1.1727669430969 1.2641533823146

Capital Guaranteed 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 1.71% n/a
2022 0.35% n/a
2021 0.42% n/a
2020 1.58% n/a
2019 1.89% n/a
2018 1.64% n/a
2017 1.65% n/a
2016 2.27% n/a
2015 2.91% n/a
2014 1.67% n/a
2013 0.90% n/a
2012 2.35% n/a
2011 3.30% n/a
2010 2.70% n/a
2009 4.00% n/a
2008 6.64% n/a
2007 6.97% n/a
2006 5.75% n/a
2005 4.90% n/a
2004 4.04% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.



Balanced average returns

Year Balanced Return objective Industry median
1 9.05 9.03
5 6.17 6.43
7 7.64 6.02
10 8.38 5.67

Balanced estimated growth

Year Balanced Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.1403 1.0601
2015 1.27303092 1.10791051
2016 1.335282131988 1.152559303553
2017 1.5044623781109 1.2099567568699
2018 1.6564130783001 1.2721485341731
2019 1.7703742980871 1.3305401518916
2020 1.7742691215429 1.3958696733495
2021 2.0845887909008 1.4920450938433
2022 2.0495676992136 1.6309544920801
2023 2.2350535759925 1.7782296827149

Balanced 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 9.05% n/a
2022 -1.68% n/a
2021 17.49% n/a
2020 0.22% n/a
2019 6.88% n/a
2018 10.10% n/a
2017 12.67% n/a
2016 4.89% n/a
2015 11.64% n/a
2014 14.03% n/a
2013 18.19% n/a
2012 2.77% n/a
2011 11.50% n/a
2010 11.60% n/a
2009 -8.30% n/a
2008 -6.50% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.


Growth average returns

Year Growth Return objective Industry median
1 11.7 10.03
5 6.95 7.43
7 8.67 7.02
10 9.37 6.66

Growth estimated growth

Year Growth Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.1677 1.0701
2015 1.31763268 1.12906251
2016 1.368888591252 1.185854354253
2017 1.5698414364478 1.2570056155082
2018 1.7508441540702 1.3344371614235
2019 1.8756793422554 1.4090321987471
2020 1.8676139210837 1.492306001693
2021 2.2657892090588 1.6101981758268
2022 2.1935105332898 1.77717572666
2023 2.4501512656847 1.955426452044

Growth 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 11.70% n/a
2022 -3.19% n/a
2021 21.32% n/a
2020 -0.43% n/a
2019 7.13% n/a
2018 11.53% n/a
2017 14.68% n/a
2016 3.89% n/a
2015 12.84% n/a
2014 16.77% n/a
2013 22.18% n/a
2012 0.22% n/a
2011 12.00% n/a
2010 11.70% n/a
2009 -11.40% n/a
2008 -10.45% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Alternative Growth

Alternative Growth average returns

Year Alternative Growth Return objective Industry median
1 9.02 9.53
5 5.8 6.93
7 7.32 6.52
10 8.04 6.29

Alternative Growth estimated growth

Year Alternative Growth Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.1272 1.0701
2015 1.24792312 1.12906251
2016 1.321300999456 1.182918791727
2017 1.4905596574863 1.2478610333928
2018 1.6335043286393 1.3183651817795
2019 1.7388653578365 1.3854699695321
2020 1.7355615136566 1.4604238948838
2021 2.0040528798193 1.5684952631052
2022 1.9866176197648 1.7228351969947
2023 2.1658105290676 1.8870213912683

Alternative Growth 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 9.02% n/a
2022 -0.87% n/a
2021 15.47% n/a
2020 -0.19% n/a
2019 6.45% n/a
2018 9.59% n/a
2017 12.81% n/a
2016 5.88% n/a
2015 10.71% n/a
2014 12.72% n/a
2013 18.94% n/a
2012 2.29% n/a
2011 13.00% n/a
2010 11.10% n/a
2009 -8.80% n/a
2008 -6.01% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Sustainable Balanced

Sustainable Balanced average returns

Year Sustainable Balanced Return objective Industry median
1 9.18 9.03
5 7.15 6.43
7 7.78 6.02
10 8.33 5.66

Sustainable Balanced estimated growth

Year Sustainable Balanced Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.1362 1.0601
2015 1.25925046 1.10791051
2016 1.316924131068 1.152559303553
2017 1.4515137772631 1.2099567568699
2018 1.5753279024637 1.2721485341731
2019 1.7229361269245 1.3305401518916
2020 1.7582563175265 1.3958696733495
2021 2.0529400763439 1.4920450938433
2022 2.0379536137866 1.6309544920801
2023 2.2250377555322 1.7782296827149

Sustainable Balanced 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 9.18% n/a
2022 -0.73% n/a
2021 16.76% n/a
2020 2.05% n/a
2019 9.37% n/a
2018 8.53% n/a
2017 10.22% n/a
2016 4.58% n/a
2015 10.83% n/a
2014 13.62% n/a
2013 18.43% n/a
2012 3.23% n/a
2011 10.90% n/a
2010 10.80% n/a
2009 -11.40% n/a
2008 -7.98% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Conservative Balanced

Conservative Balanced average returns

Year Conservative Balanced Return objective Industry median
1 7.77 8.03
5 4.31 5.73
7 5.45 5.38
10 6.15 5.06

Conservative Balanced estimated growth

Year Conservative Balanced Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.1092 1.0552
2015 1.2073642 1.09751352
2016 1.25288183034 1.136255747256
2017 1.3722814687714 1.1871600047331
2018 1.4712229626698 1.2421255129522
2019 1.5524344702092 1.292928446432
2020 1.5547631219145 1.3499465909196
2021 1.7320061178128 1.4360731834203
2022 1.6855883538554 1.5546928283708
2023 1.8165585689499 1.679534662489

Conservative Balanced 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 7.77% n/a
2022 -2.68% n/a
2021 11.40% n/a
2020 0.15% n/a
2019 5.52% n/a
2018 7.21% n/a
2017 9.53% n/a
2016 3.77% n/a
2015 8.85% n/a
2014 10.92% n/a
2013 14.97% n/a
2012 4.48% n/a
2011 10.00% n/a
2010 10.80% n/a
2009 -4.70% n/a
2008 -3.29% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Capital Stable

Capital Stable average returns

Year Capital Stable Return objective Industry median
1 5.51 7.53
5 3.34 5.23
7 4.26 4.88
10 5.03 4.56

Capital Stable estimated growth

Year Capital Stable Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.0895 1.0502
2015 1.17175725 1.08706202
2016 1.2195649458 1.119999999206
2017 1.3106664472513 1.1644639991745
2018 1.3857676346788 1.2124399159405
2019 1.4545017093588 1.2559665089227
2020 1.4619196680766 1.3050747994216
2021 1.5820894647924 1.3816826901477
2022 1.54759991446 1.4884867620961
2023 1.6328726697467 1.6005698152819

Capital Stable 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 5.51% n/a
2022 -2.18% n/a
2021 8.22% n/a
2020 0.51% n/a
2019 4.96% n/a
2018 5.73% n/a
2017 7.47% n/a
2016 4.08% n/a
2015 7.55% n/a
2014 8.95% n/a
2013 11.74% n/a
2012 5.76% n/a
2011 9.10% n/a
2010 10.50% n/a
2009 -2.40% n/a
2008 -0.62% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Overseas Shares

Overseas Shares average returns

Year Overseas Shares Return objective Industry median
1 17.79 0
5 7.95 0
7 10.3 0
10 11.19 0

Overseas Shares estimated growth

Year Overseas Shares Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.1988 1.0801
2015 1.4607378 1.15041451
2016 1.4541644799 1.213917390952
2017 1.7586665219911 1.2867524344091
2018 1.9704099712388 1.3660163843687
2019 2.1126735711622 1.4423767002549
2020 2.1872509482242 1.52762116324
2021 2.8318338026659 1.648303235136
2022 2.4520848897284 1.6647862674873
2023 2.8883107916111 1.6814341301622

Overseas Shares 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 17.79% n/a
2022 -13.41% n/a
2021 29.47% n/a
2020 3.53% n/a
2019 7.22% n/a
2018 12.04% n/a
2017 20.94% n/a
2016 -0.45% n/a
2015 21.85% n/a
2014 19.88% n/a
2013 35.04% n/a
2012 -1.66% n/a
2011 9.60% n/a
2010 10.80% n/a
2009 -09.90% n/a
2008 -18.20% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Australian Shares

Australian Shares average returns

Year Australian Shares Return objective Industry median
1 15 0
5 7.48 0
7 9.88 0
10 9.73 0

Australian Shares estimated growth

Year Australian Shares Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.1939 1.0801
2015 1.29156102 1.15041451
2016 1.307963844954 1.213917390952
2017 1.5216851372195 1.2867524344091
2018 1.7640895795785 1.3660163843687
2019 1.9006301130379 1.4423767002549
2020 1.7770891556905 1.52762116324
2021 2.2714753588035 1.648303235136
2022 2.1999238850012 1.6647862674873
2023 2.5299124677514 1.6814341301622

Australian Shares 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 15.00% n/a
2022 -3.15% n/a
2021 27.82% n/a
2020 -6.50% n/a
2019 7.74% n/a
2018 15.93% n/a
2017 16.34% n/a
2016 1.27% n/a
2015 8.18% n/a
2014 19.39% n/a
2013 23.10% n/a
2012 -4.69% n/a
2011 13.20% n/a
2010 13.40% n/a
2009 -16.10% n/a
2008 -15.80% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Direct Property

Direct Property average returns

Year Direct Property Return objective Industry median
1 -2.18 0
5 5.65 0
7 7.93 0
10 9.07 0

Direct Property estimated growth

Year Direct Property Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.0962 1.0701
2015 1.21590504 1.12906251
2016 1.396588528944 1.180096135452
2017 1.6053785140211 1.2388649229975
2018 1.8099037367074 1.3025425800396
2019 1.9613926794698 1.3623292844634
2020 1.9945402157529 1.4292196523306
2021 2.1441307319343 1.5276928863761
2022 2.4357325114774 1.5429698152399
2023 2.3826335427272 1.5583995133923

Direct Property 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 -2.18% n/a
2022 13.60% n/a
2021 7.50% n/a
2020 1.69% n/a
2019 8.37% n/a
2018 12.74% n/a
2017 14.95% n/a
2016 14.86% n/a
2015 10.92% n/a
2014 9.62% n/a
2013 7.02% n/a
2012 8.37% n/a
2011 9.70% n/a
2010 5.10% n/a
2009 -13.40% n/a
2008 10.20% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Fixed Interest

Fixed Interest average returns

Year Fixed Interest Return objective Industry median
1 1.14 0
5 0.75 0
7 1.16 0
10 2.39 0

Fixed Interest estimated growth

Year Fixed Interest Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.0584 1.0502
2015 1.11597696 1.08706202
2016 1.168204681728 1.111738327854
2017 1.1942556461305 1.1388647430536
2018 1.2198127169577 1.1683613398987
2019 1.2872683602055 1.1927800919026
2020 1.3182915276864 1.2156814696671
2021 1.3334518802548 1.2624852062493
2022 1.2521113155593 1.2751100583118
2023 1.2663853845567 1.2878611588949

Fixed Interest 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 1.14% n/a
2022 -6.10% n/a
2021 1.15% n/a
2020 2.41% n/a
2019 5.53% n/a
2018 2.14% n/a
2017 2.23% n/a
2016 4.68% n/a
2015 5.44% n/a
2014 5.84% n/a
2013 6.93% n/a
2012 12.74% n/a
2011 8.10% n/a
2010 12.80% n/a
2009 4.91% n/a
2008 6.25% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.


Cash average returns

Year Cash Return objective Industry median
1 2.57 0
5 1.22 0
7 1.49 0
10 1.95 0

Cash estimated growth

Year Cash Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.0324 1.0302
2015 1.06564328 1.04575602
2016 1.093989391248 1.056422731404
2017 1.1205733334553 1.0768116901201
2018 1.1420883414577 1.0992093732746
2019 1.1649301082868 1.1166868023097
2020 1.1780938185105 1.138127188914
2021 1.1799787686201 1.1819450856872
2022 1.1829287155416 1.1937645365441
2023 1.2133299835311 1.2057021819095

Cash 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 2.57% n/a
2022 0.25% n/a
2021 0.16% n/a
2020 1.13% n/a
2019 2.00% n/a
2018 1.92% n/a
2017 2.43% n/a
2016 2.66% n/a
2015 3.22% n/a
2014 3.24% n/a
2013 4.15% n/a
2012 5.07% n/a
2011 5.70% n/a
2010 4.70% n/a
2009 3.70% n/a
2008 5.16% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Capital Guaranteed

Capital Guaranteed average returns

Year Capital Guaranteed Return objective Industry median
1 1.71 2.48
5 1.19 1
7 1.37 1.16
10 1.74 1.46

Capital Guaranteed estimated growth

Year Capital Guaranteed Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.0184 1.0402
2015 1.05312744 1.06630902
2016 1.080614066184 1.085182689654
2017 1.1025505317275 1.1116611472816
2018 1.1206323604479 1.1404531709961
2019 1.1418123120603 1.16428864227
2020 1.1598529465909 1.1866429842016
2021 1.1647243289666 1.2323287390933
2022 1.1688008641179 1.2335610678324
2023 1.1887873588944 1.2641533823146

Capital Guaranteed 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 1.71% n/a
2022 0.35% n/a
2021 0.42% n/a
2020 1.58% n/a
2019 1.89% n/a
2018 1.64% n/a
2017 2.03% n/a
2016 2.61% n/a
2015 3.41% n/a
2014 1.84% n/a
2013 0.95% n/a
2012 2.39% n/a
2011 3.30% n/a
2010 2.80% n/a
2009 4.00% n/a
2008 6.64% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.



Balanced average returns

Year Balanced Return objective Industry median
1 9.59 9.03 10.06
5 6.58 6.43 6.48
7 8.07 6.02 7.76
10 8.68 5.67 8.2

Balanced estimated growth

Year Balanced Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1 1
2014 1.1403 1.0601 1.1354
2015 1.27303092 1.10791051 1.25041602
2016 1.335282131988 1.152559303553 1.288928833416
2017 1.5044623781109 1.2099567568699 1.4336755414086
2018 1.6713072558434 1.2721485341731 1.5758961551164
2019 1.7966553000316 1.3305401518916 1.7011798994481
2020 1.7803057368013 1.3958696733495 1.689101522162
2021 2.1171395822042 1.4920450938433 2.0178006783747
2022 2.0970267561732 1.6309544920801 1.9352726306292
2023 2.2981316220902 1.7782296827149 2.1299610572705

Balanced 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 9.59% 10.06%
2022 -0.95% -4.09%
2021 18.92% 19.46%
2020 -0.91% -0.71%
2019 7.50% 7.95%
2018 11.09% 9.92%
2017 12.67% 11.23%
2016 4.89% 3.08%
2015 11.64% 10.13%
2014 14.03% 13.54%
2013 18.19% 16.68%
2012 2.77% 1.18%
2011 11.50% 10.26%
2010 11.60% 11.02%
2009 -8.30% -13.48%
2008 -6.50% -8.52%

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.


Growth average returns

Year Growth Return objective Industry median
1 12.13 10.03 12.34
5 7.5 7.43 7.59
7 9.21 7.02 9.22
10 9.76 6.66 9.44

Growth estimated growth

Year Growth Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1 1
2014 1.1677 1.0701 1.1591
2015 1.31763268 1.12906251 1.2923965
2016 1.368888591252 1.185854354253 1.328583602
2017 1.5698414364478 1.2570056155082 1.5027609122222
2018 1.7673274891529 1.3344371614235 1.6803872520469
2019 1.9083602227873 1.4090321987471 1.8171707743635
2020 1.8772539511559 1.492306001693 1.791548666445
2021 2.3146541217752 1.6101981758268 2.222416120725
2022 2.2621114732109 1.77717572666 2.1041835831024
2023 2.5365055949114 1.955426452044 2.3638398372572

Growth 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 12.13% 12.34%
2022 -2.27% -5.32%
2021 23.30% 24.05%
2020 -1.63% -1.41%
2019 7.98% 8.14%
2018 12.58% 11.82%
2017 14.68% 13.11%
2016 3.89% 2.80%
2015 12.84% 11.50%
2014 16.77% 15.91%
2013 22.18% 19.45%
2012 0.22% -1.21%
2011 12.00% 11.20%
2010 11.70% 11.77%
2009 -11.40% -16.56%
2008 -10.45% -12.09%

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Alternative Growth

Alternative Growth average returns

Year Alternative Growth Return objective Industry median
1 9.5 9.53 10.06
5 6.16 6.93 6.48
7 7.76 6.52 7.76
10 8.35 6.29 8.2

Alternative Growth estimated growth

Year Alternative Growth Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1 1
2014 1.1272 1.0701 1.1354
2015 1.24792312 1.12906251 1.25041602
2016 1.321300999456 1.182918791727 1.288928833416
2017 1.4905596574863 1.2478610333928 1.4336755414086
2018 1.6530306601523 1.3183651817795 1.5758961551164
2019 1.7656020481087 1.3854699695321 1.7011798994481
2020 1.7463569857843 1.4604238948838 1.689101522162
2021 2.0350297955345 1.5684952631052 2.0178006783747
2022 2.0358438074527 1.7228351969947 1.9352726306292
2023 2.2292489691607 1.8870213912683 2.1299610572705

Alternative Growth 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 9.50% 10.06%
2022 0.04% -4.09%
2021 16.53% 19.46%
2020 -1.09% -0.71%
2019 6.81% 7.95%
2018 10.90% 9.92%
2017 12.81% 11.23%
2016 5.88% 3.08%
2015 10.71% 10.13%
2014 12.72% 13.54%
2013 18.94% 16.68%
2012 2.29% 1.18%
2011 13.00% 10.26%
2010 11.10% 11.02%
2009 -8.80% -13.48%
2008 -6.01% -8.52%

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Sustainable Balanced

Sustainable Balanced average returns

Year Sustainable Balanced Return objective Industry median
1 9.6 9.03 9.29
5 7.9 6.43 6.27
7 8.47 6.02 7.03
10 8.81 5.66 7.34

Sustainable Balanced estimated growth

Year Sustainable Balanced Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1 1
2014 1.1362 1.0601 1.1194
2015 1.25925046 1.10791051 1.2235042
2016 1.316924131068 1.152559303553 1.22986642184
2017 1.4515137772631 1.2099567568699 1.3345280543386
2018 1.5908590998804 1.2721485341731 1.4499647310389
2019 1.7594901644677 1.3305401518916 1.5565371387702
2020 1.7781407602111 1.3958696733495 1.5622963261837
2021 2.1234556958441 1.4920450938433 1.838510316653
2022 2.1228186591353 1.6309544920801 1.7528357358969
2023 2.3266092504123 1.7782296827149 1.9156741757617

Sustainable Balanced 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 9.60% 9.29%
2022 -0.03% -4.66%
2021 19.42% 17.68%
2020 1.06% 0.37%
2019 10.60% 7.35%
2018 9.60% 8.65%
2017 10.22% 8.51%
2016 4.58% 0.52%
2015 10.83% 9.30%
2014 13.62% 11.94%
2013 18.43% 16.51%
2012 3.23% 0.21%
2011 10.90% 7.78%
2010 10.80% 8.60%
2009 -11.40% -10.66%
2008 -7.98% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Conservative Balanced

Conservative Balanced average returns

Year Conservative Balanced Return objective Industry median
1 8.16 8.03 8.1
5 4.74 5.73 5.14
7 5.92 5.38 6.15
10 6.48 5.06 6.61

Conservative Balanced estimated growth

Year Conservative Balanced Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1 1
2014 1.1092 1.0552 1.1101
2015 1.2073642 1.09751352 1.20168325
2016 1.25288183034 1.136255747256 1.24326149045
2017 1.3722814687714 1.1871600047331 1.3419764527917
2018 1.4863180588263 1.2421255129522 1.4427588843964
2019 1.5769834604147 1.292928446432 1.5479360070689
2020 1.5690985431126 1.3499465909196 1.5482455942703
2021 1.7707277059026 1.4360731834203 1.7600455915665
2022 1.7319487691433 1.5546928283708 1.7019640870448
2023 1.8732757887054 1.679534662489 1.8398231780954

Conservative Balanced 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 8.16% 8.10%
2022 -2.19% -3.30%
2021 12.85% 13.68%
2020 -0.50% 0.02%
2019 6.10% 7.29%
2018 8.31% 7.51%
2017 9.53% 7.94%
2016 3.77% 3.46%
2015 8.85% 8.25%
2014 10.92% 11.01%
2013 14.97% 12.60%
2012 4.48% 3.18%
2011 10.00% 9.13%
2010 10.80% 10.54%
2009 -4.70% -7.95%
2008 -3.29% -5.23%

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Capital Stable

Capital Stable average returns

Year Capital Stable Return objective Industry median
1 6.18 7.53 5.19
5 3.68 5.23 3.45
7 4.6 4.88 4.25
10 5.27 4.56 5.08

Capital Stable estimated growth

Year Capital Stable Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1 1
2014 1.0895 1.0502 1.0817
2015 1.17175725 1.08706202 1.15038795
2016 1.2195649458 1.119999999206 1.19226207138
2017 1.3106664472513 1.1644639991745 1.2623670811771
2018 1.3948112331648 1.2124399159405 1.327631459274
2019 1.4720837754821 1.2559665089227 1.411670530646
2020 1.4754695681657 1.3050747994216 1.4226815607851
2021 1.6041305145098 1.3816826901477 1.5434672252957
2022 1.5738124477855 1.4884867620961 1.4953110478665
2023 1.6710740570587 1.6005698152819 1.5729176912508

Capital Stable 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 6.18% 5.19%
2022 -1.89% -3.12%
2021 8.72% 8.49%
2020 0.23% 0.78%
2019 5.54% 6.33%
2018 6.42% 5.17%
2017 7.47% 5.88%
2016 4.08% 3.64%
2015 7.55% 6.35%
2014 8.95% 8.17%
2013 11.74% 9.14%
2012 5.76% 4.79%
2011 9.10% 7.97%
2010 10.50% 9.32%
2009 -2.40% -3.72%
2008 -0.62% -0.83%

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Overseas Shares

Overseas Shares average returns

Year Overseas Shares Return objective Industry median
1 18.97 0
5 8.65 0
7 11.08 0
10 11.74 0

Overseas Shares estimated growth

Year Overseas Shares Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.1988 1.0801
2015 1.4607378 1.15041451
2016 1.4541644799 1.213917390952
2017 1.7586665219911 1.2867524344091
2018 2.004176368461 1.3660163843687
2019 2.1701221717696 1.4423767002549
2020 2.2488976066048 1.52762116324
2021 2.9766408721021 1.648303235136
2022 2.5512788914787 1.6647862674873
2023 3.0352564971923 1.6814341301622

Overseas Shares 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 18.97% n/a
2022 -14.29% n/a
2021 32.36% n/a
2020 3.63% n/a
2019 8.28% n/a
2018 13.96% n/a
2017 20.94% n/a
2016 -0.45% n/a
2015 21.85% n/a
2014 19.88% n/a
2013 35.04% n/a
2012 -1.66% n/a
2011 9.60% n/a
2010 10.80% n/a
2009 -09.90% n/a
2008 -18.20% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Australian Shares

Australian Shares average returns

Year Australian Shares Return objective Industry median
1 17.09 0
5 8.42 0
7 10.83 0
10 10.39 0

Australian Shares estimated growth

Year Australian Shares Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.1939 1.0801
2015 1.29156102 1.15041451
2016 1.307963844954 1.213917390952
2017 1.5216851372195 1.2867524344091
2018 1.7934581027269 1.3660163843687
2019 1.9512824157668 1.4423767002549
2020 1.8016190544775 1.52762116324
2021 2.3839023328847 1.648303235136
2022 2.2949827758681 1.6647862674873
2023 2.6871953322639 1.6814341301622

Australian Shares 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 17.09% n/a
2022 -3.73% n/a
2021 32.32% n/a
2020 -7.67% n/a
2019 8.80% n/a
2018 17.86% n/a
2017 16.34% n/a
2016 1.27% n/a
2015 8.18% n/a
2014 19.39% n/a
2013 23.10% n/a
2012 -4.69% n/a
2011 13.20% n/a
2010 13.40% n/a
2009 -16.10% n/a
2008 -15.80% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Direct Property

Direct Property average returns

Year Direct Property Return objective Industry median
1 -2.72 0
5 5.94 0
7 8.29 0
10 9.32 0

Direct Property estimated growth

Year Direct Property Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.0962 1.0701
2015 1.21590504 1.12906251
2016 1.396588528944 1.180096135452
2017 1.6053785140211 1.2388649229975
2018 1.8275629003617 1.3025425800396
2019 1.9882056793034 1.3623292844634
2020 2.0222039964195 1.4292196523306
2021 2.1758915001474 1.5276928863761
2022 2.5070621864699 1.5429698152399
2023 2.4388700949979 1.5583995133923

Direct Property 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 -2.72% n/a
2022 15.22% n/a
2021 7.60% n/a
2020 1.71% n/a
2019 8.79% n/a
2018 13.84% n/a
2017 14.95% n/a
2016 14.86% n/a
2015 10.92% n/a
2014 9.62% n/a
2013 7.02% n/a
2012 8.37% n/a
2011 9.70% n/a
2010 5.10% n/a
2009 -13.40% n/a
2008 10.20% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Fixed Interest

Fixed Interest average returns

Year Fixed Interest Return objective Industry median
1 1.37 0
5 0.83 0
7 1.27 0
10 2.46 0

Fixed Interest estimated growth

Year Fixed Interest Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.0584 1.0502
2015 1.11597696 1.08706202
2016 1.168204681728 1.111738327854
2017 1.1942556461305 1.1388647430536
2018 1.2241120372838 1.1683613398987
2019 1.3025776188737 1.1927800919026
2020 1.3387892766784 1.2156814696671
2021 1.3582017211902 1.2624852062493
2022 1.2583738946827 1.2751100583118
2023 1.2756136170399 1.2878611588949

Fixed Interest 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 1.37% n/a
2022 -7.35% n/a
2021 1.45% n/a
2020 2.78% n/a
2019 6.41% n/a
2018 2.50% n/a
2017 2.23% n/a
2016 4.68% n/a
2015 5.44% n/a
2014 5.84% n/a
2013 6.93% n/a
2012 12.74% n/a
2011 8.10% n/a
2010 12.80% n/a
2009 4.91% n/a
2008 6.25% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.


Cash average returns

Year Cash Return objective Industry median
1 3.02 0
5 1.44 0
7 1.7 0
10 2.1 0

Cash estimated growth

Year Cash Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.0324 1.0302
2015 1.06564328 1.04575602
2016 1.093989391248 1.056422731404
2017 1.1205733334553 1.0768116901201
2018 1.1458982907914 1.0992093732746
2019 1.1732852599413 1.1166868023097
2020 1.1881859827426 1.138127188914
2021 1.1912752662977 1.1819450856872
2022 1.19472996457 1.1937645365441
2023 1.2308108095 1.2057021819095

Cash 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 3.02% n/a
2022 0.29% n/a
2021 0.26% n/a
2020 1.27% n/a
2019 2.39% n/a
2018 2.26% n/a
2017 2.43% n/a
2016 2.66% n/a
2015 3.22% n/a
2014 3.24% n/a
2013 4.15% n/a
2012 5.07% n/a
2011 5.70% n/a
2010 4.70% n/a
2009 3.70% n/a
2008 5.16% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Capital Guaranteed

Capital Guaranteed average returns

Year Capital Guaranteed Return objective Industry median
1 2.14 2.48
5 1.46 1
7 1.62 1.16
10 1.92 1.46

Capital Guaranteed estimated growth

Year Capital Guaranteed Return objective Industry median
2013 1 1
2014 1.0184 1.0402
2015 1.05312744 1.06630902
2016 1.080614066184 1.085182689654
2017 1.1025505317275 1.1116611472816
2018 1.1242707772026 1.1404531709961
2019 1.1499041509228 1.16428864227
2020 1.1718673202054 1.1866429842016
2021 1.1783125904665 1.2323287390933
2022 1.1836149971236 1.2335610678324
2023 1.2089443580621 1.2692109826928

Capital Guaranteed 20 year annual return

Year Annual return Industry median
2023 2.14% n/a
2022 0.45% n/a
2021 0.55% n/a
2020 1.91% n/a
2019 2.28% n/a
2018 1.97% n/a
2017 2.03% n/a
2016 2.61% n/a
2015 3.41% n/a
2014 1.84% n/a
2013 0.95% n/a
2012 2.39% n/a
2011 3.30% n/a
2010 2.80% n/a
2009 4.00% n/a
2008 6.64% n/a

The industry median return is based on the relevant SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Surveys for each option as at 30 June for each particular year. The investment option returns shown above are net of investment fees, indirect costs and tax as at 30 June for each particular year. They may differ from your actual returns. Your net returns will appear in your annual statement. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

All options at a glance

Compound average returns (after investment fees, indirect costs and tax) as at: 30 June 2024.

For information on the latest FYTD returns, see unit prices.

Managed option 10 years (p.a.) 7 years (p.a.) 5 years (p.a.) 1 year 3 months Last month
Balanced 7.62% 7.06% 6.50% 8.54% 0.49% 0.95%
Growth 8.45% 8.04% 7.54% 10.10% 0.09% 0.82%
Alternative Growth 7.34% 6.70% 6.18% 8.34% 0.76% 1.08%
Sustainable Balanced 7.52% 7.40% 6.79% 7.55% 0.30% 0.76%
Conservative Balanced 5.63% 5.17% 4.70% 7.52% 0.52% 0.90%
Capital Stable 4.58% 4.11% 3.62% 6.40% 0.69% 0.94%
Asset class option 10 years (p.a.) 7 years (p.a.) 5 years (p.a.) 1 year 3 months Last month
Overseas Shares 10.52% 9.69% 9.73% 16.37% 0.38% 1.52%
Australian Shares 8.64% 9.20% 8.19% 11.37% -1.55% 0.40%
Direct Property 7.05% 5.02% 2.89% -5.09% -0.46% -0.19%
Fixed Interest 1.99% 1.33% 0.35% 3.45% -0.34% 0.55%
Cash 1.93% 1.71% 1.62% 4.02% 1.00% 0.31%
Capital Guaranteed 1.77% 1.56% 1.48% 3.35% 0.87% 0.28%

All options at a glance

Compound average returns (after investment fees, indirect costs and tax) as at: 30 June 2024.

For information on the latest FYTD returns, see unit prices.

Managed option 10 years (p.a.) 7 years (p.a.) 5 years (p.a.) 1 year 3 months Last month
Balanced 8.16% 7.51% 6.81% 8.71% 0.24% 0.78%
Growth 9.15% 8.63% 7.99% 10.47% 0.00% 0.81%
Alternative Growth 7.92% 7.14% 6.47% 8.35% 0.40% 0.76%
Sustainable Balanced 8.29% 8.19% 7.44% 8.27% 0.51% 1.02%
Conservative Balanced 6.18% 5.68% 5.08% 7.86% 0.30% 0.69%
Capital Stable 5.05% 4.49% 3.90% 6.65% 0.32% 0.61%
Asset class option 10 years (p.a.) 7 years (p.a.) 5 years (p.a.) 1 year 3 months Last month
Overseas Shares 11.53% 10.65% 10.48% 17.69% 0.40% 1.64%
Australian Shares 9.74% 10.31% 9.16% 12.55% -2.13% 0.10%
Direct Property 7.67% 5.24% 2.91% -5.90% -0.89% -0.58%
Fixed Interest 2.29% 1.53% 0.38% 4.09% -0.40% 0.65%
Cash 2.24% 2.02% 1.90% 4.71% 1.17% 0.36%
Capital Guaranteed 2.13% 1.90% 1.81% 4.03% 1.03% 0.34%

All options at a glance

Compound average returns (after investment fees, indirect costs and tax) as at: 30 June 2024.

For information on the latest FYTD returns, see unit prices.

Managed option 10 years (p.a.) 7 years (p.a.) 5 years (p.a.) 1 year 3 months Last month
Balanced 7.84% 7.06% 6.50% 8.54% 0.49% 0.95%
Growth 8.73% 8.04% 7.54% 10.10% 0.09% 0.82%
Alternative Growth 7.61% 6.70% 6.18% 8.34% 0.76% 1.08%
Sustainable Balanced 7.73% 7.40% 6.79% 7.55% 0.30% 0.76%
Conservative Balanced 5.82% 5.17% 4.70% 7.52% 0.52% 0.90%
Capital Stable 4.78% 4.11% 3.62% 6.40% 0.69% 0.94%
Asset class option 10 years (p.a.) 7 years (p.a.) 5 years (p.a.) 1 year 3 months Last month
Overseas Shares 10.86% 9.69% 9.73% 16.37% 0.38% 1.52%
Australian Shares 8.97% 9.20% 8.19% 11.37% -1.55% 0.40%
Direct Property 7.51% 5.02% 2.89% -5.09% -0.46% -0.19%
Fixed Interest 2.16% 1.33% 0.35% 3.45% -0.34% 0.55%
Cash 2.03% 1.71% 1.62% 4.02% 1.00% 0.31%
Capital Guaranteed 1.89% 1.56% 1.48% 3.35% 0.87% 0.28%