Industry SuperFund

Industry SuperFund

There’s only one symbol to look for.
You can find it at CareSuper.

At CareSuper, we’re run only to benefit our members, not shareholders. That’s just one of the perks of being with an Industry SuperFund.

What it means to be with an Industry SuperFund

As an Industry SuperFund, these are three things CareSuper lives and breathes:

  1. Industry funds are run to benefit members, no one else.
    That’s not a given for all super funds. Some, like bank-owned super funds, walk a tightrope to generate profits for super members and shareholders. We don’t. Our decisions – and our profits – are all about you.
  2. They have a history of keeping costs low. But not at the expense of your returns.
    Take our approach to investing. We make active investment choices, hunting for the best opportunities to maximise your returns. See how this pays off.
  3. Financial planners working in your best interests.
    We strongly believe in the benefits of financial advice, which is why we offer access to this service. Any fees are disclosed and agreed to upfront. There are no hidden costs. 

See how much better off you could be with us

How your super is invested and the fees you pay during your working life could make a big difference to your income in retirement. Don’t let another year of low returns and high fees pass you by!

comparison graphic 2024

Over 15 years to 30 June 2024, our Balanced option returned over $40,000 more than the average of all surveyed retail funds and outperformed the average of all surveyed industry funds by over $10,000.*

We’re multi-award-winning  

We’ve received many of the industry’s most prominent awards including the SuperRatings MySuper of the Year and Smooth Ride Awards 2023.#

2023 Award logos
Count me in!
Join a proven long-term performing fund in under 10 minutes.
See what our members say

What I like about CareSuper is that I feel that they are ethical and trust worthy.


CareSuper member^

I feel that I'm engaged by the fund, I get regular updates about different topics and invites to events, I'm very happy.


CareSuper member^

I just really love that CareSuper puts us first.


CareSuper member^

*Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Comparisons modelled by SuperRatings as at 30 June 2024, commissioned by CareSuper. Assumes a starting balance of $50,000 and initial salary of $50,000 and considers historical earnings and fees – excluding contributions, entry, exit and adviser fees. Compares the average difference in net benefit performance of CareSuper’s Balanced option and the balanced options of funds tracked by SuperRatings including funds with a 15-year performance history. Outcomes vary between funds. See for more details about modelling calculations and assumptions. This information is general advice only. You should consider your investment objectives, financial situation and needs and read the product disclosure statement before making an investment decision.

#Product ratings are only one factor to be considered when making a decision. SuperRatings does not issue, sell, guarantee or underwrite this product. Go to for details of its ratings criteria.

^The opinions expressed are those of the member and do not necessarily reflect CareSuper's policies or opinions.