Register your business
Register your business today and let us handle your super needs, so you can focus on what you do best.
What type of employer are you?
'CareSuper helped us every step of the way, from registering with QuickSuper to ensuring our contributions go through without a hitch.'
Anna Poe – Payroll/Accounts at ASAP Recruitment, CareSuper employer2
We recommend you read our Understanding your super obligations fact sheet, Member PDS and Target market determination before registering as a CareSuper employer.
1If you're a sole trader or in a partnership you can contribute directly to your own CareSuper account, and don't need to set yourself up as an employer. By selecting this option, you'll be directed to the Member join page.
2The opinions expressed are those of the employer and don’t necessarily reflect CareSuper’s policies or opinions.
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