Julie Lander

Julie Lander

Julie was the Chief Executive Officer of CareSuper from 2003 to March 2023.

Articles by Julie Lander

CareSuper receives favourable judgement from the Supreme Court of Victoria

Industry news
14 January 2022
CareSuper recently sought judicial advice in the Supreme Court of Victoria around our proposed approach to protect the Trustee for CareSuper (the Trustee) against insolvency in the event of a future fine or penalty.
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CareSuper clarifies recent media coverage

Industry news
19 November 2021
You may have seen recent media reports regarding the potential impact of new legislation that will affect all profit-to-member super funds from January 2022.
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Five actions employers can take to improve outcomes for women

Women & super
17 June 2021
There have been some important issues raised this year around women and what must be done to achieve better outcomes for their financial futures.
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An update from our CEO

22 October 2020
This year certainly has turned out to be unusual in many respects, amid so much uncertainty, we’re proud to have delivered a positive return for members.
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An update from our CEO

Industry news
15 May 2020
It’s been positive to see the way people have adapted and even thrived in the unique situation we find ourselves in. I think it’s fair to say no one envisioned coping with a global pandemic when they thought about their plans for 2020. Despite all the changes to our daily lives, our priority is you – our members – and your retirement savings.
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A message from our CEO

19 March 2020
We are undeniably in a challenging environment that’s continually evolving. COVID-19 is affecting us all in some way. Things may be uncertain out there, but some things never change - our priority is as always, our members. We’re still right here and working hard to help you achieve your financial goals.
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You’re with a certified Carbon Neutral fund

Product & services
14 February 2020
We’re proud to be one of the first super funds to be certified Carbon Neutral by the Australian Government through Climate Active – Australia’s collective initiative for climate action.
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CareSuper wins ‘MySuper of the Year’ for 2018

18 October 2017
We’re pleased to say that CareSuper was recently recognised by SuperRatings as a high-performer in the industry, receiving both the ‘Best Growth Return 2012–2017’ award and the prestigious ‘MySuper of the Year’ award for 2018.
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Canstar awards CareSuper five stars

Industry news
5 April 2018
Consumer advocate and expert ratings agency, Canstar, has awarded CareSuper a 5-star rating for Outstanding Value. This makes us one of only seven funds in the country to be recognised with this top rating.
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Productivity Commission releases draft report into super

Industry news
1 June 2018
The Productivity Commission released a draft report on Tuesday, which warns of under-performing funds and shows the divide in performance between not-for-profit funds and retail funds.
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