Make your future super

Make your future super

You're powerful, so is your super. Take action today for a better tomorrow.

The time to shape your future is now, because more super, equals more freedom to live the life you deserve. 

Supporting you through every chapter 

We can support you during paid parental leave by waiving your insurance fees for up to 24 months (if eligible). Even better, if you’ve recently gone through a Life Event like having a child, a change in marital status, took out a new mortgage or turned 30, 40 or 50, you may be eligible to increase your insurance cover in just 5 minutes without supplying medical and other personal information. 

Find out more

Two tools to whisk you forward
Do your friends have more super than you?
Ever wondered how your super balance compares against your peers? Good news – we have a tool that tells you how much super you should have right now and how it compares to your mates.
What’s your super mindset?
Your super mindset is how you see and feel about super. Think happy thoughts, take action, and your super can work wonders. Take our quiz to uncover your super mindset and learn how to embrace it for maximum impact.
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