Your Future, Your Super (YFYS)

Your Future, Your Super (YFYS)

Understanding YFYS and stapling

You may have heard the term Your Future, Your Super. Or perhaps you’ve heard the term stapling, which is one of the elements. Here’s what employers or anyone changing jobs needs to be aware of. 

Your Future, Your Super – an overview

The four main elements of Your Future, Your Super are.

  1. Stapling – super accounts follow members as they move from job to job (reducing the likelihood of multiple accounts). This impacts employers and those changing jobs.
  2. YourSuper – an online comparison tool (hosted by the Australian Taxation Office) that provides a table of simple super products ranked by fees and investment returns, with links to fund websites.
  3. Annual performance testsall MySuper products as well as trustee-directed products are subject to an annual performance test.
  4. Accountability and transparency – super trustees are required to act in the best financial interests of members.

We're here to help

If you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. Visit our employer FAQ page to learn more about Your Future, Your Super and stapling.

If you’re interested in becoming a CareSuper member, you can join here.

If you’re interested in becoming a CareSuper employer, let us know. We’ll arrange for a member of our team to call you back.

Employer Stapling Checklist

We’re here to help you meet your obligations to your employees with Your Future, Your Super by providing a stapling checklist.