Whistleblower process
We are committed to preventing loss caused by unethical, illegal and irresponsible behaviour.
We’ve adopted a Whistleblower policy that encourages, protects and supports the responsible reporting of incidents of fraud, corrupt conduct, questionable accounting or auditing matters and serious adverse behaviour from all potential sources of information and particularly from sources internal to CareSuper.
We use an independent company, Your Call, which enables you to report any incidents securely, anonymously and confidentially.
Anyone (including a CareSuper member, employer, employee or a third-party service provider) who has an honest belief based on reasonable grounds that an illegal or corrupt act or any other improper conduct may have occurred in relation to CareSuper, may disclose that concern to Your Call. Your disclosure to Your Call will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.
External reporting process
If you are not comfortable or able to report misconduct internally, you may report it to CareSuper’s external and independent whistleblowing service provider.
CareSuper has contracted Your Call Whistleblowing Solutions (’Your Call’) to receive and manage your report with impartiality and confidentially.
This option allows you to either:
- Remain completely anonymous
- Identify yourself to Your Call only
- Identify yourself to both Your Call and CareSuper
The Your Call reporting options include:
- Website: www.yourcall.com.au/report (available any time). Use CareSuper’s unique identifier: CS1986
- Phone: 1300 790 228 (7am–12am AEST, business days)
Your Call remains the intermediary at all times, receiving and forwarding communication between all parties. The CareSuper Officers who will have access to your reports include the CEO, CRO (Chief Risk Officer) and Company Secretary.
Your Call can bypass any of the above Officers upon your request.
You be able to securely upload any relevant documentation or material relevant to your disclosure.
After making a disclosure you will be provided with a unique Disclosure Identification Number (DIN) and access to a secure online message board.
The message board allows ongoing anonymous communication with Your Call and/or CareSuper. Your Call remains the intermediary at all times, receiving and forwarding communication between all parties. The message board can be used to receive updates, share further information/evidence and request support or report retaliation. If you cannot access the message board, you can contact Your Call via phone (details above) for updates.
Whistleblower rights, protections and practical support
We’re committed to providing the required protections and support to eligible whistleblowers for disclosures that qualify for protection under the law as well as the processes CareSuper has in place.
An eligible whistleblower has the right to an expectation of anonymity and to not fear reprisal after making a protected disclosure.
Details of the rights of eligible whistleblowers are explained in the Whistleblower policy however, in addition to the minimum requirements, the trustee is committed to providing any eligible whistleblower and any implicated staff member (or their families) support during the course of, or following the verdict of, an investigation.
All staff (and their families) are able to access support through CareSuper’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Use of this service is confidential.
National Relay Service
If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact Your Call online or through the National Relay Service. Simply choose your contact method at www.accesshub.gov.au and request Your Call’s hotline: 1300 790 228.
If you have difficulty speaking or understanding English, contact the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) 131 450 and ask for Your Call on 1300 790 228.