CareSuper wins MySuper of the Year and Smooth Ride Awards 2023

8 November 2022
MySuper of the Year and Smooth Ride Awards 2023

Our unique investment strategy has proven to outperform over the long term, including during uncertain markets. That’s why we were thrilled to win the SuperRatings MySuper of the Year and the Smooth Ride Awards at the 20th Lonsec and SuperRatings Fund of the Year Awards on 26 October 2022.

SuperRatings has recognised CareSuper as having the top value-for-money default super investment option (where your super is invested if you haven’t made a choice) as well as for protecting our members’ super over the long term.

Our commitment to members

These latest accolades reaffirm our high performance, according to CareSuper CEO, Julie Lander.

“We’re incredibly proud to be the recipient of both these awards. It’s a testament to the hard work and dedication across all the teams at CareSuper who play a role in helping members to achieve a better retirement.”

“And while we’re not in it for the awards, this year’s recognition confirms that we’re consistently doing what’s right for our members. With the formidable combination of superior investment performance, competitive fees and award-winning products and services, there’s no doubt that we continue to deliver outstanding value for members,” she said.

A smoother ride in challenging times

Chief Investment Officer Suzanne Branton said the awards were a recognition of CareSuper’s dual-purpose active investment approach that differs to the common investment strategy that many funds use.

“The foundation of our investment strategy is to deliver strong long-term returns for members, but with less risk through market cycles,” she said.

“Controlling risk in this way means our members achieve their retirement goals with a smoother ride and, particularly in this environment of market fluctuations, our focus remains on delivering the best financial outcomes for members over the long term.

“Our members can rest assured knowing that, through our active investment approach, CareSuper will continue to maximise gains in up markets and protect members’ savings in down markets to deliver strong long-term returns.”

Delivering strong outcomes over the long term

SuperRatings congratulated CareSuper, acknowledging our focus on managing volatility and our consistent performance over the long term.

“CareSuper continues to generate extremely strong net benefit outcomes,” said SuperRatings.

“CareSuper delivered leading outcomes on a risk-adjusted basis over a range of time periods, demonstrating the fund's focus on managing volatility,” they said. 

Our Balanced (MySuper) option, where most CareSuper members invest, has delivered an average of 8.72% p.a. over the last 10 years, making us one of Australia’s top-performing funds.*

Plus, as a super fund that doesn’t have shareholders who expect a dividend, our profits go back to members.

The awards come as independent ratings expert SuperRatings has rated CareSuper as a top-tier platinum fund 19 years in a row.

Build your super over the long term with a fund that’s been proven to transcend short-term bumps in market cycles while performing over the long term — providing you with a smoother ride to retirement.

About SuperRatings

SuperRatings is an independent superannuation ratings agency specialising in ratings research and consulting. Their focus is to drive better outcomes for members. Find out more.

A multi-award-winning fund

CareSuper has a proud history of top performance and achievement stretching more than 35 years. Learn more about what makes us a multi-award-winning fund.

* SuperRatings SR50 Balanced (60-76 Median) Index, June 2022.
Product ratings are only one factor to be considered when making a decision. SuperRatings does not issue, sell, guarantee or underwrite this product. Go to for details of its ratings criteria.
SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey - SR50 Balanced (60-76) Index, June 2022.