Super basics

How super works
Superannuation (or ‘super’) is money that is put aside during your working life to provide an income to replace your wages or salary when you wind-down work. Understanding your super early can set you up so you'll be well placed financially when you retire.
Super fees explained
In the world of super, the different fees (and the reasons behind them) can be confusing. So, let’s try and unravel what they all mean, and why all funds have fees.
How to find your perfect super match
With so much choice, how do you know you're with the right super fund for you? We're confident your account's in great hands, but what's important is that you feel the same way. Here are four indicators of a super account that's acting in your best interests.
The value of choosing an industry super fund
Ever wondered how being with an industry fund makes a difference to your super? There’s more to it than superior returns and competitive fees. We unpack the trademarks of industry super and how they drive the way we manage your money.
When should I start taking super seriously?
The importance you place on your super can be broken up into life stages, with key considerations and strategies for each age group. There are benefits to early planning and seeking financial advice, and CareSuper offers expert guidance to help you maximize your retirement savings.
Personal contributions and salary sacrifice
Explore the difference between personal contributions and salary sacrifice and their benefits, limitations, and tax implications to help empower you to make informed decisions for your financial future.