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Compare my spend

When planning for retirement, one of the first things to do is estimate how much you’ll be spending 


Let’s dive in!

Everyone's situation is different, and it can be tough to predict how much you'll spend, especially with cost of living increases. This tool shows what people over 60 in your area spent last year, helping you plan your retirement budget.


What can you do to improve your retirement



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Check your investments

Understand your investment options and invest your money your way.

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Make a

Check out the many ways you can grow your super faster.

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Come to an

Join our super experts as they give tips to help you grow and manage your super.

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Need some help?

If you have any questions about planning your retirement, we're here to help. You can call us on 1800 005 166, 8am-7pm weekdays (AET)

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Are you on track for the retirement you want? 

Try our Retirement Lifestyle calculator to see how much you’re likely to have at retirement and how long it may last. 

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Get super educated

Our education hub can help take your financial knowledge to the next level. 

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