Extra care and support for vulnerable  members

We’re here to support you

Whether you’re a member, beneficiary, or someone engaging with CareSuper, we offer a wide range of services designed to provide additional support.


When you may need extra care

We’re here to help our members at all times, but you may find yourself needing extra help. We can provide additional support if you:

  • need translation services and help with documentation
  • have a disability that may impact your daily activities and communication
  • are a victim of abuse, including financial
  • are in financial distress and may need early super access
  • have difficulty with comprehension, reading and writing and may need an interpreter
  • are affected by mental health conditions
  • are affected by natural disasters, scams and fraud
  • are suffering a serious illness or injury

These are just some examples of when we can help. There may be other times, so reach out if you need additional support.


Support services

Health and wellbeing support

As a member, we care about your health and wellbeing. That’s why we offer you and your family (including your children, partners, parents and parents-in-law) virtual access to professional health and medical services. This additional service is available at no extra cost to you. For more information, read more about  MetLife 360Health or call us on 1800 005 166.

Giving others access to your account

If you would benefit from support from a family member, friend or other representative, we'll do our best to support this. You can give specific people access to your account through a third-party authority by completing our  Authority to access information form or by calling us on 1800 005 166 and we’ll guide you through the process.


Speak with a super expert — it’s included in your membership

You can get super-related advice over the phone, or in person at no extra cost. Please call us on 1800 005 166 or request a call-back.


Get in touch

Our dedicated support team are here to help. If you or somebody you know needs extra support, we encourage you to let us know so we can provide you with the most appropriate support.

Call CareSuper


Call us on 1800 005 166.
We’re available 8am–7pm Monday to Friday (AEST/AEDT).
If you’re overseas, call
+61 3 7042 2723.


Email CareSuper


Email [email protected] or complete our online form to email your enquiry through to us.

Write to CareSuper


Write to:
GPO Box 1547
Hobart TAS 7001


Sometimes, it’s easier to speak with someone in person. Our friendly super experts are available at our offices across Australia five days a week to help with your super needs. Call us to make an appointment on 1800 005 166.


National Relay Service (NRS)

If you’re d/Deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us through the NRS. Then, ask to be put through to CareSuper on 1800 005 166.

  • Text telephone (TTY): 133 677
  • Speak and listen: Call 1300 555 727
  • SMS relay: 0423 677 767

We also have services through AUSLAN.


Translation services

If English isn’t your preferred language, you can access a translation and interpretation service to make sure all conversations are understood. To speak with us in a language other than English, call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 to pre-book a phone interpreter for your call with us. For more information visit the TIS National website.


Vision impairment

We offer voice contracts in a variety of circumstances to allow you to complete transactions over the phone. Call us on 1800 005 166 for more information.


Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander

If you have difficulty meeting our identification requirements or live in a remote community, we offer a flexible approach and refer to AUSTRAC guidance when it comes to accepting your verification documentation and other paperwork. To find out more, refer to the Support outside super section below or call us on 1800 005 166.


Events and super education tools

We regularly host both virtual and in-person and events and seminars on a range of super-related topics to help you understand super and your finances better. Plus, our online tools can guide you through understanding your super in more detail.

Explore our upcoming events.


Accessing your super early

While your super is intended for retirement, you may be able to access your super early in certain circumstances.

Financial hardship and compassionate grounds   Insurance claims Death claims
You may be eligible to access all or some of your super if you’re facing severe financial hardship — or in some exceptional circumstances, on compassionate grounds. Making an insurance claim due to incapacity or a terminal medical condition can be stressful. We’re here to guide you through the process and provide support. Losing a loved one is challenging, and managing financial matters can add further stress. We’re here to help you navigate the death benefit claims process.

 Our goal is to make the claims process as straightforward and fair as possible, while offering compassion and guidance every step of the way. You can read more about accessing your super early or call us on 1800 005 166.


Support outside super

If you’re going through a difficult time or require additional support, there’s always somebody to help. As well as our range of extra support services, here’s a list of specialist external support services to assist you.

Name Contact number
General wellbeing
360Health Virtual Care  
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander members
Crisis line run by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members 13 92 76
Services Australia  
Well Mob  
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)  
Elder abuse hotline 1800elderhelp
Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) 1800 700 600
Disability Gateway connects you with information, support and services for employment, education, aids and equipment, income and finance and COVID-19 1800 643 787
Disability Services Australia  
National Relay Service (NRS) can help you if you’re d/Deaf or find it hard to hear or speak to hearing people on the phone 1800 555 660
Financial distress
Speak to a financial counsellor 1800 007 007
Gamblers Help 1800 858 858
Welfare Rights Centre (Centrelink Issues)  
Australian Government Services Australia  
National Debt helpline  
Family and domestic violence
Family Violence Law Help – supporting domestic and family violence and the law in Australia 1800 737 732
Details on accessing 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave each year for all employees (full-time, part-time and casual)  
Ask Izzy (Support Services search tool)  
The Salvation Army 1300 371 288
Services Australia 13 11 58
Good Shepherd (specifically supports women, girls and families)  
Mental health
Lifeline 13 11 14
SANE 1800 187 263
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
Suicide Line (VIC only) 1300 651 251
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
MensLine Australia 1300 789 978
Mental Health Services Helpline (TAS) 1800 332 388
Black Dog Institute  
Mental Health at Work  
Mind Matters  
Butterfly Foundation supports people experiencing eating disorders 1800 334 673

For more detailed information about how we provide support to members, call us on 1800 005 166.

⚠️   Notice: We are experiencing high call volumes. If you are having issues logging in see our guide to getting back online. ×

CareSuper app

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