Retirement lifestyle calculator
Curious about how much super you’ll have when you retire?
Get a sneak peek at your estimated final balance, see how it translates to annual income and discover ways to maximise it for a better retirement.
The amount of super you'll need when you retire will depend on:
- Your big costs in retirement (paying off your mortgage/paying rent, food, medical costs, aged care) and
- The lifestyle you want (travel, entertainment, eating out).
To help estimate the superannuation balance you will require, the ASFA Retirement Standard provides a comprehensive breakdown of expenses for a comfortable and modest lifestyle, for couples and singles to maintain a healthy, vital and connected lifestyle in retirement.
You can access your super when you:
- Reach 60 and retire
- Reach 60 and leave an employer
- Reach 60 and continue to work and set up a transition to retirement strategy
- Reach 65 years old (even if you haven’t retired).
There are certain circumstances where you can get early access to your super, such as specific medical circumstances, financial hardship, or if you're eligible for the First Home Super Saver Scheme.
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