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Transition to Retirement

Ease into retirement with a Transition to Retirement (TTR) strategy

Cut back your work hours, use some of your super to top up your income and still grow your retirement savings.

Transition to Retirement diagram

There are two ways you can use a TTR to get the most out of your super:

  1. Work less, top up your pay with super and earn the same

  2. Keep the same working hours, salary sacrifice into super at a (potentially) reduced tax rate and draw income tax- free to offset your salary sacrifice.


How it works

How a Transition to Retirement works 

What are the benefits?

  • Draw on your super while you continue to work
  • Lower fees than your current accumulation account
  • Tax-free income payments 


Who can open a TTR Income account? 

Anyone who's: 

  • Aged between 60 and 65, and 
  • Still working


See for yourself

Use our calculator to check how you could benefit from a TTR strategy.  

Get started

Ready to start a TTR income? 

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Read the Transition to Retirement PDS and apply by completing and returning the form at the end.  

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If you need assistance applying for an account, we're here to help you.

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Sit back and enjoy your transition to retirement!

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Get retirement planning advice

Retirement planning can be tricky but we’re here to help. Call one of our super experts on 1800 005 166 or book a call back. 

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