Spouse contributions
If your partner has less super than you, spouse contributions can help close the gap
A spouse contribution is when you pay money from your after-tax income into your partner’s super account.
It's a great way for partners to help grow each other's super, particularly if one takes a break from work or earns much less than the other. And, it can benefit both of you:Get a tax offset
If your partner earns less than $37,000 in the 2024-25 financial year, and you make an after-tax contribution of up to $3,000 to their account, you can claim a tax offset of 18%, maximum of $540.
The tax offset reduces by $1 for every dollar of income your partner earns above $37,000, phasing out at $40,000.
Some rules apply, read the Boost your spouse’s super fact sheet to find out more.
Know your limit
Spouse contributions count towards your partner’s after-tax (non-concessional) cap. You can’t claim the tax offset if they have exceeded this cap for the financial year.
Split your super instead
You can also transfer your eligible before-tax super contributions between you and your partner’s super account.
Learn more about super splitting
Contribute now
You can contribute to your partner's CareSuper account from your after-tax pay using BPAY®. You'll need your partner’s biller code and reference number for spouse contributions, which they can get by logging into Member Online. Make sure that you use your partner’s spouse biller codes, not your own BPAY codes or account details.
You can also make a spouse contribution via cheque. Make your cheque payable to 'CareSuper' and attach a completed Make a super contribution form. Make sure you tell us it’s a spouse contribution. Otherwise, it will be classed as a member contribution, and you won’t be eligible for the tax offset.
If your partner is with another super fund, you’ll need to contact their fund for the right details. They can also join CareSuper to enjoy the benefits of a strong-performing, profit to member fund.
Join CareSuper
®Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518.