Jessica Munday
BA (Political Science/Public Policy)
Member-Representative Director
Committee Membership
- Member, Employer Services, Retirement, Insurance Committee (Chair)
- Risk and Compliance Committee
- Governance, Remuneration and Culture Committee
- Benefit Payment Claims Sub-Committee
- Bachelor of Arts (Political Science/Public Policy), University of Tasmania
- Certificate IV – Unionism
- Certificate IV - Work Health and Safety
Jessica is a Member-Representative Director nominated by Unions Tasmania. Jessica was a Director of Tasplan Super prior to its merger with MTAA Super in April 2021 to become Spirit Super which then merged to become CareSuper in November 2024.. Jessica is the Secretary of Unions Tasmania, the peak body for trade unions in Tasmania. Previously, Jessica worked with the Community and Public Sector Union for eleven years, leading the Tasmanian Branch for over three years.
Jessica is an experienced industrial relations and workplace health and safety practitioner. Jessica is the President and Treasurer of community legal centre, Worker Assist, and a Board Member of WorkCover Tasmania. Jessica also represents the interests of Tasmanian workers as an Executive member of the national peak union body, the Australian Council of Trade Unions. Jessica is also a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD).
Appointed: 23 March 2018