Changing jobs

Changing jobs

A new career move is exciting. The paperwork — not so much. Lucky we’re here to help.

Congrats on landing your new job. We’re excited to come too — that’s why we’ve made it easy to take your CareSuper account with you when you change jobs.

Important details you’ll need

You’ll need to give your employer these details so they can pay your super to us. You can also complete our Choice of fund form (it includes all these details) and hand it your employer.

Australian Business Number (ABN) — fund 98 172 275 725
Superannuation Product Identification Number (SPIN) CAR0100AU
Superannuation Product Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) CAR0100AU
Address Locked Bag 20019, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001

Letter of compliance

(If you’re using our Member choice form, you do not need to download and submit our letter of compliance. You only need to provide this letter to your employer if you’re not using our form.)

View and download
Combining your super
We can help you find all your super and put it in your CareSuper account in just 3 steps.
Super stapling
Your super will now follow you from job to job, known as stapling. Stapling was introduced as part of the government’s Your Future, Your Super reforms.
How do I find my member account number?

You can find your member account number in MemberOnline under the personal details tab. 

You can also find your member account number on the first page of your annual statement. 
Still can’t find your member number? You can call us on 1300 360 149 and we’ll help you out. 

What happens if I don’t choose a super fund?

If you don't choose a super fund, your employer must check with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to see if you have an existing super fund. This is known as a 'stapled super fund’.

If you don’t have an existing fund (for example it’s your first job) your super will be paid into a ‘default’ super product chosen by your employer. 

The best way to ensure your super is paid to your CareSuper account is to complete a Choice of fund form and give it to your employer. 

What’s an employer default fund?

A default super fund also known as an employer-nominated super fund is a fund that employers pay employees’ super into if they don't choose their own fund. All employers must ensure that their default fund is a MySuper product. 

MySuper is a government initiative that provides low-cost and simple super solutions for employers to choose as their default product for employees. MySuper options have basic features and simple fee structures, making comparing various funds easy. Read more about MySuper products here.

What’s an APRA fund or RSA?

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) supervises regulated superannuation funds (other than SMSFs), Approved Deposit Funds and Pooled Superannuation Trusts, all of which are regulated under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SISA). 

CareSuper is an APRA regulated super fund —meaning that the responsibility for all investing, administration and regulatory requirements is held by the Trustee of the fund and not the individual members.

A retirement savings account (RSA) is a type of account provided by a bank, building society, credit union or life insurance company. It's similar to a regular savings account, however it's designed for your retirement savings and you can't access the money until you're retired. 


^Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.