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Join CareSuper for competitive fees and returns, exceptional service, and a focus on real care.

Bigger and better benefits

Here are just some of the benefits to being a CareSuper member.

Competitive fees and strong returns

More money for your account

Award-winning service*

Super support for you and your super

Advice options

Access simple, complex or comprehensive financial advice

Improved digital experience

Access online calculators and education resources

Mobile app

Monitor and manage your super anywhere, anytime

We're an Industry SuperFund

Yep, we're one of 'those' -
profit-to-member funds

Would like to join CareSuper, here’s how:


Once you’ve decided that CareSuper is right for you, you can join online in 5 minutes.

To switch or start with CareSuper, you’ll need an email address, your mobile number, your residential address, and your tax file number (optional, you can add it later!).


Provide your employer/s with CareSuper’s fund details and member number so they can start paying your super to the right place.


You can use our Find and Combine tool in Member Online, or you can login to your MyGov account and combine through the ATO.
More than one super account means you’re probably paying multiple sets of account fees. Combine your super into one account to save on fees and make managing your super simple.
expert help Lady on laptop

We truly care

More than 550,000 people around Australia trust CareSuper with their future.
Combine Lady on laptop

Got more than one super account?

Then you’re probably paying multiple sets of account fees. Combine your super into one account to save on fees and make managing your super simple. Use our easy-to-use Find and Combine tool now. It will even search for any lost super you didn’t know about.

How do I combine?

Before you combine?

Transferring super may close the account you’re transferring benefits from. There are some things to consider before combining super accounts.

  • Fees and costs and investment returns — super funds vary in terms of fees costs and performance. This can affect your super balance at retirement.
  • Insurance - combining super into a single account may close your other super accounts. Any insurance you have with those accounts will be cancelled. Contact your other funds to see what cover you have before combining. You may be able to transfer cover. If you want to transfer cover, contact us for more information.
  • Tax implications - you can't claim tax deductions or split contributions on the money you transfer between super accounts, after the transfer occurs.
  • Investments - all amounts transferred will be automatically invested in your current chosen future transaction investment strategy.
  • Let your employer know - tell your employer that you're changing super funds before you combine your super. This will ensure they pay future contributions into the correct account. Future employer contributions will be made to your other fund unless you notify your employer otherwise.

*Spirit Super was ranked best in super by Customer Service Benchmarking Australia (CSBA) for the period April 2023 to March 2024. Spirit Super has an agreement with CSBA for quality assurance and staff training within their contact centre. Awards and ratings are only one factor when deciding how to invest your super. Read about the award methodology at
⚠️   Notice: We are experiencing high call volumes. If you are having issues logging in see our guide to getting back online. X

CareSuper app

Download the CareSuper app and manage your account on the go!