Your super guarantee obligations

Your super guarantee obligations

We’ll help you stay on top of your super requirements.

Super’s important, but there’s a lot to get your head around. Lucky we’re experts in our field and we’re here to support you along the way. Here are the key things you need to know.

Nominating a default fund
Every employer needs to choose a default super fund for their employees. Your employees usually have the right to choose their super fund but at times you may need to nominate a default super fund for them. We can help with that too.
Making your super contributions
Managing super contributions for your employees can feel like a big responsibility. Let us do the heavy lifting, we’ll support you and share what you need to know.
Your Future, Your Super
Your Future, Your Super (YFYS) introduces key reforms aiming to enhance retirement savings for members. It includes stapling to reduce multiple accounts, a YourSuper comparison tool, annual performance tests and heightened accountability for super trustees.
TFN and the ATO
We understand that navigating the rules around providing employee tax file numbers (TFN) to super funds can be complex and there can be serious consequences if you fail to forward an employee’s TFN to their super fund. That's why we're here to make it easy for you.